
Tuesday, 31 July 2018


Write the words for fraction.
Write a symbol for fraction.
Show fraction of a whole shape.
show fraction of a whole set.
Write fraction in a number line.

Enjoy my screencastify

Friday, 27 July 2018

Procedure for a sandwich

How to make a triangle ham and mayo sandwich

By following these instructions you will be able to make a triangle ham and mayo sandwich.


Chopping Board
Ham mayo  

(verb at the start of each instruction)

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Dry your hand
  3. Wash your knife
  4. Get the plate and get 2 pieces bread
  5. Get the ham and mayo
  6. Put 1 piece of bread on the plate
  7. Put the ham on the bread
  8. Spread the mayo on the bread
  9. Put the second piece bread on the top
  10. Get your knife
  11. Cut the bread in a triangle
  12. Enjoy your triangle ham and mayo sandwich