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Today I'm going to share I did today. We are writing our own poems we have to post it on our blog. There is some explained of some poems if you want to check it out. But you if you want to see my poem just scroll down a little bit and try the tough twisters please. I hope you enjoy it and see you next time.
Yr 7/8 Hurumanu 4 - Poetic writing.
St. Patrick's Day Limericks and Examples of Alliteration in advertising, poetry and tongue twisters (with a little poetic licence here and there)
Here is some example
The Leprechaun by Gemeve
There once was a very small dwarf
Who lived on a rainbow up North
He sat on some gold
Until he grew old
And kept a yacht by the wharf.
A Man from Stick by Travis
There once was a man from stick
Whose angry rhyming was quick
He looked like a lime
And rhymed all the time
So everyone called him Lim-er-ick!
Yr 7/8 Hurumanu 4 - Poetic writing…
St. Patrick's Day Limericks and Examples of Alliteration in advertising, poetry and tongue twisters (with a little poetic licence here and there)
The Leprechaun by Gemeve
There once was a very small dwarf
Who lived on a rainbow up North
He sat on some gold
Until he grew old
And kept a yacht by the wharf.
The Man With a Flute by Zac
There was an old man with a flute
A serpent ran into his boot
He played day and night
Till the serpent took flight
And avoided the man with a flute!
A Man from Stick by Travis
There once was a man from stick
Whose angry rhyming was quick
He looked like a lime
And rhymed all the time
So everyone called him Lim-er-ick!
Dani the Dinosaur
Tevita the Terrific
Hamid the Handsome
Shreya the Super Star
Tongue Twisters
Four furious friends fought for the football.
Willie Wonker wishes for watches.
Alliterative Poem
To sit in a terrible torturing world
In a dark, disgusting, dump
In a cold constructed corridor
With a bad bullier
Awaiting the sun’s sunny sunlight
On a muddy muddled mountain,
From a millionaire and memories
On a fantastic fabled fountain.
Here is my verson
Yr 7/8 Hurumanu 4 - Poetic writing
Dani the Dinosaur
He's pink as light
Cute as a dog
Smart as a newly born dog
Trained easy as a dog
Tongue Twisters
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
Alliterative Poem
Dreams are dreams
Red read a book that flick floops
Birds fly far and wide into the air
All fly all die
The cycle of life continue again
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