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Today I'm going to be talking about what I did over the holidays. It was very fun but felt like it only lasted for 3 days. I'm hoping that school will end quickly like the holidays. Term 4 has been great so far and I'm hoping we will do something fun this term. But anyways lets get into it.
During the holidays I mostly played video games with my friends. I would grind for hours at a time until I get bored. Which I would watch a movie or some anime. We would grind until we got lots of wins or until we got to max level.
Over the holidays I haven't really done anything physical but I have played games like hide n seek and tag. Tag requires lots of running and hide n seek only takes a bit of running and strategy to find the best hiding spot. I would mostly win hide n seek because I would find the best spots. Tag is another game I'm good at because I can run pretty fast and I'm really good at doge people.
I haven't really learned much things over the holiday but I have learnt countless strategy to winning games and stuff. Hide n seek requires a little bit of thinking because you have to think of a good spot or find one. Some video games also requires some thinking like League of Legends or Clash of Clans. You have to think of a strategy like which path to take in League for the best chance of you winning. Or attacking other bases in Clash thinking of a way get a full 3 stars. Which is harder later game because you need a lot of strategy to just get a 2 star.
The things I like in the holidays were mostly watching anime or YouTube. Video games are my main source of entertainment so when I get bored I just watch random things I find on YouTube or finish an entire series. I also like playing with my friends all day and eating lots of McDonald to win a Monopoly prize.
The most emotional thing that happened in the holiday is ep6 of Squid Game. I cried after finishing the episode. It was one of the first shows to get me that emotional in a long time. There was 3 parts of the episode that made me cry. One of them was when the character Oh Il-nam died which broke me. Next Ali's dead then 240 died. I forgot her name but her death was one of the emotional one.

I did a lot of stuff over the holiday, I've gotten better at video games a lot because I had a long holiday to practice some skills I couldn't do. I'm already natural gifted at playing video games so what ever game I play I can learn very fast and learn from my mistakes. Which always lead me to victory.
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