WALT spell list words. Here is my two list words.
You can Spell 4 List 21-30
List Twenty One
baked butter cook dug fifty grandfather interested listened moving passed quarter seventeen son teach waited
- Which list words are the answers to these clues
Half of a half father’s boy used ear not standing still half a hundred bread spread
Quarter👌 Son👌 Listened👌 Moving 👌 Fifty 👌 Butter👌
- Fill in the missing maths words (*be careful)
Ten Twenty Thirty forty* Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety one-hundred👌
- Sort out these list words
Seventeen 👌 waited 👌passed 👌 grandfather👌 butter👌
- Make some rhyming words
teach peach👌 reach 👌bleach👌 preach👌
- Here is a secret message. Can you read it?
The old man in this list is my dad’s dad. Who is he? Grandfather👌
List Twenty Two
baking cage cool ear fill grew invite listening mud passing quick seventy song teaching waiting
- Put these words right. Underline the hard spots.
Teaching Waiting Invite Listening Cool Quick 👌
- Write the root words for the words ending with -ing in this list
Pass 👌
- Use list words to solve this puzzle
- Make some rhyming words
Ear Tear Rear Spear Clear Smear👌
- Find the missing letters
Invite 👌 Seventy👌 Baking 👌 Passing👌
- Here are some words that go with teaching. Can you work them out?
Thank you for checking out my spelling. Please give me some feedback. Thank you.