
Friday, 26 October 2018

Fanatics Spelling

WALT spell list words. Here is my two list words.

You can Spell 4 List 21-30

List Twenty One

baked butter cook dug fifty grandfather interested listened moving passed quarter seventeen son teach waited

  1. Which list words are the answers to these clues
Half of a half father’s boy used ear not standing still half a hundred bread spread
Quarter👌 Son👌 Listened👌 Moving 👌 Fifty 👌 Butter👌

  1. Fill in the missing maths words (*be careful)
Ten Twenty Thirty forty* Fifty Sixty Seventy  Eighty Ninety one-hundred👌

  1. Sort out these list words
Seventeen 👌 waited 👌passed 👌 grandfather👌 butter👌

  1. Make some rhyming words
teach peach👌 reach 👌bleach👌 preach👌

  1. Here is a secret message.  Can you read it?

             The old man in this list is my dad’s dad. Who is he? Grandfather👌

List Twenty Two

baking cage cool ear fill grew invite listening mud passing quick seventy song teaching waiting

  1. Put these words right.  Underline the hard spots.
Teaching Waiting Invite Listening Cool Quick 👌

  1. Write the root words for the words ending with -ing in this list

Pass 👌

  1. Use list words to solve this puzzle

  1. Make some rhyming words
Ear Tear Rear Spear Clear Smear👌

  1. Find the missing letters
Invite 👌 Seventy👌 Baking 👌 Passing👌

  1. Here are some words that go with teaching.  Can you work them out?
Learning 👌 Lesson 👌 Classroom👌

Thank you for checking out my spelling. Please give me some feedback. Thank you.


  1. Hi my name is Samuel. I like how you got all of your answers right and you are trying to get better at spelling. It reminds me of my lists for spelling.

  2. Hi Aaron. Do you find using an electronic device easier to do your spelling?. The reason I ask is because if you made a mistake the computer would show it by putting in a red line and then you would know that you spelt the word wrong. Have a good day and enjoy the rain.


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