To convert fractions into decimals you need to read the words carefully and write it in numbers. Next put them in order like if I got a question that is, Ninety-eight and four hundred and twenty-four thousandths. The Ninety eight will be in the front because it was said first. This is my working out.
The decimals are easy to solve because you just need to add the number in front if its a whole. If its not a whole you add a zero in front. Lets say our question is Twelve hundredths. This is how you write it in fraction.

Here is the question I gave my friend
1. Two hundred and fifty-nine and seventy-one hundredths
2. Ninety-eight and four hundred and twenty-four thousandths
3. Nine hundred sixty-one and one thousand two hundred and sixty-four millionths
Here is my friends working out. Sorry if the picture is attach to a video. The Webcam was broken by the way.
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