Welcome Viewers to my blog,
Today I’m proceeding to talk to you regarding some photo’s we had to look at. We had to recognise stuff
in the photo like what is the first thing you notice in the photo? And when do you think the photo was
taken, What clues tell you how old the photo might be and so on and so on so we can get the full picture.
in the photo like what is the first thing you notice in the photo? And when do you think the photo was
taken, What clues tell you how old the photo might be and so on and so on so we can get the full picture.
To try to find the full picture I reverse search the first photo and found out that it was Thomas Waston
Ferry’s family. And by the way, I didn’t even know him. Anyways the second photo I tried to reverse
search instead it didn’t work so I had to find information about the picture not using the internet. But it
was easy I managed to find that the picture was taken after a long time when the treaty was signed in
New Zealand by the nga Maori.
Ferry’s family. And by the way, I didn’t even know him. Anyways the second photo I tried to reverse
search instead it didn’t work so I had to find information about the picture not using the internet. But it
was easy I managed to find that the picture was taken after a long time when the treaty was signed in
New Zealand by the nga Maori.
Here is my speculation.
Thank you for reading my blog post. Please leave a comment and don’t skip to add any feedback. I might finish my 200 blog post celebration soon this week but it’s not an animation. And before I go have you looked into older photos and found some mysteries.
Some very perceptive, well-expressed observations Aaron. Did you get a chance to research the significance of Raukura?